Social Media and Politics – The Secret for Political Success

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The use of social media in politics is a new phenomenon in communication research. Similar to integrated marketing campaigns where branding and dialogue are key to success, political campaigns are now using social media to establish the political identity of candidates, educate and attract voters, and disseminate information. Raise awareness, engage with the general public, and seek voting. Social media helps predict voter behavior in addition to traditional political analysis… Read More »Social Media and Politics – The Secret for Political Success

What are the factors that helped Kejriwal to stand in Delhi firm?

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It is possible that men and ordinary people with the support of “Am Admi” stood up in the victory that caused confusion not only in the Indian metropolitan area but throughout the country. Everyone at NCR has the same concerns about whether this ballot box will make a difference, which is why Arvind Kejriwal won. The nine good points that made him stand out from all the other politicians. After… Read More »What are the factors that helped Kejriwal to stand in Delhi firm?

How to register a political party in India

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Political party registration in India serves as an investment in trust, belief, and faith in the Indian people. Before starting a political party campaign process, the political party must be registered with the Indian Election Commission. In India, political party registration is mandatory and may subsequently be eligible under the regulations of the People’s Congress Act of 1951. Currently, India has more than 2,143 registered political parties, 400 have been… Read More »How to register a political party in India

Role of Poltical Strategist in the Success of Political Candidate

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Ultimate goal of any journey is to reach the desired destination, in politics winning is the only destination for which the Candidate dreams.At each level of campaign there has to be a step taken basing on the moments of the opponent and public pulse. Political Strategy is nothing but playing a chess game, we always move forward to kill the opponents by safe guarding key players. For a perfect strategist… Read More »Role of Poltical Strategist in the Success of Political Candidate

Trends Of Political Consulting In India

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Campaigning for political events involves rigorous advertising techniques on the way to magnetize votes from the citizens and to win the elections. those advertising strategies were experimented with and are expanding over the years on numerous fronts. With the sector rapidly transitioning toward a digitally and technologically dominant scenario, social media advertising, SEO, political blogs,cognizance, PPC and different virtual advertising and marketing campaigns are at the upward push. However, conventional… Read More »Trends Of Political Consulting In India